Species Information:
Length: 33mm
Flight Period: May to August (occasionally April)
Both sexes have a small blue line between the eye spots.
Male: anti-humeral stripes are usually broken, like two exclamation marks. S2 has a "wine-goblet" shaped marked, usually joined to the inter-segmental line by its stalk, though this character is quite variable. S8 is blue but S9 is mainly black.
Female: blue with more or less extensive black markings.
Well-vegetated ditches, canals and ponds. Rarely in flowing water.
Status & Distribution:
Scattered and uncommon in mainland Britain but widespread and common in Ireland.
Similar Species:
This species is easily confused with the other members of the genus Coenagrion and with the Common Blue Damselfly (Enallagma cyathigerum). Look at S2 (on the males) for distinguishing characters. The females can be particularly tricky to distinguish apart.